Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Periodic Table of Awesoments

(click to enlargify!)

Found this on a site I discovered (read: clicked through to from ysmarko). Check out this image in its natural habitat over at Billy - you'll love how Bacon is #1, the foundational building block of awesome. I personally love the fact that Batman is #3.


The Bagboy said...

I think zombies got robbed at 17.

Anonymous said...

more likely the periodic table of geekness. boobs & sex are way too far down on the list (within the confines of marriage of course). since this table suggests that these people will never actually come out of their caves to see a girl let alone meet one i assume this is why they are not ranked very high.

TastyCakes said...

I don't think it's as much a list as it is a grouping together of similarly awesome things. However, I'm not sure how "bacon" ended up in the kind-of-super-heroes category and not over by "taco bell" and "ribs." I do think that it's rad how holograms got in there. You can't have the 1990's without holograms.

Becky and Patrick said...

you definitely should do the googling of blog templates. there's a dark night one.