Tuesday, December 6, 2005


If you haven't visited reallivepreacher.com, then you've been missing out on some truly inspiring stuff. The kind of stuff you want to steal liberally and claim as your own (which I would NEVER do). Just yesterday I came across his post that asks (and answers) the question "What if we could do church any way we wanted?" I thought I'd share it with you, in hopes that you'll put forth your thoughts on it, and also that you'll visit the RLP when you get a chance.

What if we could do church any way we wanted?

First of all, we probably wouldn’t call ourselves a church. That English word is rather tired, I think. It really doesn’t communicate very well, and it’s not a biblical word in any case. We might call ourselves “A Gathering of Friends,” or perhaps, “A Community Living in the Way of Christ.” I don’t know what we would call ourselves; maybe we wouldn’t have a name at all.

I don’t think we would concern ourselves very much with what individuals in the community say about Jesus or even believe about Jesus. It’s not that what we say about Jesus doesn’t matter, but this community would begin with real living. There will be time enough for pretty Jesus words later on.

We would begin with between five and fifteen people who are committed to following in the way of Christ, confessing their weaknesses and turning their lives over to God as they understand him or her. We would make certain commitments to God and to each other:

  • We would meet once or twice a week to worship together. This meeting would be a very high priority in our lives.
  • We would make these friendships intentional ones and make it a point to spend time together.
  • We would agree to pray and study the scriptures together and on our own.
  • We would nurture each other and care for one another, especially if one of us was hurting or in need.
  • We would simplify our lives to the point where we could give 10% of our income to the community. Some who have been on the journey longer might give more.
  • Each of us would find a personal and fulfilling way to serve God by serving the world. Finding your joyful place of service would be a central part of being in this community, for we would agree that Christianity is a way of living more than a set of doctrines.

We would never pay anyone to be a professional Christian. There would be no staff, no paid ministers, no salaries, and no overhead. If there were even ten wage earners among us, our collected offerings might be between twenty and fifty thousand dollars. With no salaries, buildings, or other administrative costs, almost all of this money would be used to do good things in the name of Christ.

Maybe once a year we would sit around a kitchen table and say, “What do you want to do for God this year?”

There would be a little money left over to buy coffee or even a guitar if someone wanted to play it during worship. Maybe twice a year we would all go on an extended retreat together. Those with limited funds would never have to worry about being able to afford that sort of thing.

If there were children among us, they would sit on our laps and worship with us. We would not have children’s classes. We wouldn’t need them. We would teach the children ourselves and let them be a part of everything we do.

We would never purchase or rent a place to worship. Homes would suffice. If and when the gathering became too large to meet comfortably in a living room, we would divide into two groups. Perhaps the two living room churches would meet together once a month at a park or in some borrowed space. We wouldn't worry about what will happen someday. These things will work themselves out. I’m of the opinion that there is far too much planning in churches nowadays.

We would never advertise our faith community. Advertising tends to cheapen things, and I think we wouldn't want to start going down that road. We would bring friends with us as we felt led. I’m sure some would find us in very mysterious ways. We would trust that those who are ready to find us would find us. Anyone would be welcome to meet with us in the living room, of course. Some might join the community when they felt ready to embrace our commitments.

If there is preaching, it would be done by everyone. All who feel ready to share would take their turn. You would have weeks or even months to read your passage of scripture prayerfully. Then you would simply share the wisdom you found in the scriptures with your good friends.

The best news of all is that we would lay down the terrible burden of planning and strategizing for the business of church. Large budgets, buildings, and programs require business plans and outreach strategies. But you see, the big picture would not be our concern. The future would be left in the hands of God. We would content ourselves with our simple lives of service and devotion. What happens beyond that would be God’s business and not ours.

It sounds refreshing, does it not? And vaguely familiar. Even if you’ve never been a part of something like that, your heart knows that it would feel like going home.

There's been a lot of talk around my church lately about George Barna's book Revolution that came out recently. Barna predicts (often with accuracy bordering on creepy) that within the next 25 years, the Church (big "C") will move out of churches (little "c") and into houses and living rooms, as described above. The RLP couldn't be more right in describing how his own idea feels to me. My heart knows that it would feel like going home. But there seems to be some resistance to the idea among some of my colleagues on the church staff. I can't tell if it's because they don't like the idea, because it means the destruction of their current career, or if they genuinely believe it's crap. Frankly - I LOVE the idea, and ironically, I'm really the only one on this staff who doesn't have other options, as far as employment goes. I've got no other real skills (some would say I've no skills at THIS job, but I digress), so if things go the way of George Barna, J.T. and the RLP, then I'd be in trouble, and probably be knocking down the door at the University of Phoenix (they do have a door, right? And it's not just a virtual one?). But material success has never been all that important to me (sorry Casey Adams, lol), and if it serves the Kingdom better, and makes better disciples, how can I oppose it? I might be permanently out of a job - but what a way to go!


krysten said...

University of Phoenix? We have a University of Phoenix?? i echo Mariah's question...why would you be knocking down it's door??

oh and Mariah...plan to buy lotion...LOTS of lotion. the desert is not a nice place for your skin.

J.T. said...


Any questions?

Shelly said...

This is an interesting topic. It seems to me like we're missing the whole family/personal-ministry element in a lot of churches now. As churches get more mega-sized (or not), I think the true purpose of it all can get lost in trying to create a trendy, flashy, "oh aren't we cool, please join us" feel.

I think we should focus just as much time and energy on living life together, serving together, and making church a lifestyle instead of a building or a program.

krysten said...

um, yes. "why would you be knocking down it's door??"

because it has a website? lol

Anonymous said...

K, I think he means, if The Church evolves back to this small-group living room scenario... he'll be out of a job and will thus need to be trained to do something else with his life (that pays him enough money to be fed, clothed, and supplied with comic books).

U of P is an online university... no moisturizer required. :-)

The thing that would rock about the small group action... for me anyway, would be the accountability. It's so easy to hide in a big church, get fed, and leave with a few handshakes. In a small group one would actually have people looking out for their spiritual well-being... instead of asking "how are you?" would ask "how did that crazy project at work go?"... and really force each other to talk, and LISTEN to each other.

You can get a sermon anywhere. A community is a lot harder to find.

J.T. said...

Not just spiritual needs either... hard-core physical and material needs. Physical touch that- I don't care how creepy it sounds or how much we don't realize we need it - everybody needs. And material needs like food, clothing, shelter, and Christmas for single parents. Selling my extra land because my brother or sister needs a new car. I'm not kidding about this stuff.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I can't tell you the last time I got goose-bumps thinking about "church", but I definitely did thinking about having that kind of gathering. I might actually enjoy church then. And I'm with you JT on the C.A. comment...I actually laughed out loud when I read it. Oh and by the by...I think you have skills. You got crazy skills. (Come on, you know you're singing it)